Welcome to Pocket Theatre
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Welcome to Pocket Theatre, an innovative non-profit theatre group based in the South of England.
See our Facebook page for the latest news!
Our productions vary from Sullivan to Sondheim via Shakespeare. We are working our way through the entire Gilbert and Sullivan canon but have also branched out to other productions, such as Sweeney Todd and Fame, and plans are in place for an open air Shakespeare. Assembled from hand picked local talent, you're guaranteed a good evening!
This is what our audiences have said about us (to our faces!):
"Ideally caught the zany almost Pythonesque spirit of the piece and bringing in the show at just about 2 hours was quite an achievement." - Anthony Baker (Thespian)
"Quite the brightest, breeziest and most inventive performance of my three days in Harrogate. I shall recommend Pocket G&S to all and sundry" - Ian Lawson (Lyrical Legend)
"So imaginative and totally bonkers!" - Liz Petley-Jones (WOS Directorial Wizard)
"Better than War Horse" - Big beardy Hampshire Phil (Facial hair enthusiast)
"Most phenominal performance I have seen in my life!" - Wendy Smith (Theatre lover)
"A brilliant evening! An excellent and memorable production, thoroughly enjoyed by the audience. Such cameo performances all round." - Paul Spanton (Music Man)
"Pocket Theatre’s reputation continues to increase as more people recognise the crisp professionalism of all the participants. You are all in it because you are committed to it and it shows! No weak links." Richard Chisnell (Winchester Operatic Society old guard)
"Came along this afternoon and absolutely loved both shows. It's the first of your productions I've seen but it won't be the last!" Linda Kirkman (Animal lover)
"Hilarious! One of the most amusing Pirates seen in Buxton!" Ian and Neil Smith (The reincarnations of Richard D'Oyle Carte)
"Brilliantly conceived and hilariously slick performance!" Derek Beck (Winchester's answer to Sir Arthur Sullivan)
"Everything we hate about slapstick G&S - done really really well" Ted Spencer (GSOpera)
"Why did the Judge go to The Zoo after he got married?" Dan Wilson (Fabric Warehouse)
"Avante-garde!" Shaun's Mum (Devizes)
"I'm a traditionalist and, to be fair, you didn't ruin it" Nigel Finch (MD and Adjudicator favourite)
"In our opinion the only rival to the show was the London version some years ago" Kath and Alan Vicary (Waterside Musical Society Stalwarts)
"On the way home I was sick on my step-mum" Becca (Otterbourne Village Idiot)
"Very novel production, excellent singing and a terrific orchestra - what more could one ask?" Penny Hawkesworth (SOS Costume team)
"A really enjoyable production. We have never heard some of those lines said in'that' way which completely altered the meaning!" Tony and Lyn Austin (Local am-dram institution)
"An excellent and highly inventive show! It was only when we got home that I saw from the programme that Shaun Dodimead had been taking part!" Vernon Tottle (Enthusiast)
"A wonderful performance. Not a great fan of Sorcerer, but this really brought it to life." David Anderson (G&S enthusiast and performer)
"A romp!" Pirates of Penzance audience member (possibly John Rothery)
"Had the capacity audience rolling with laughter" Alan Johns (Southern Daily Echo)
"It was amazing how well you made it work with such a small, but fortunately very talented company. Lots of verve and humour, imaginative touches, and every word audible" Pam and Phillip de Grouchy (Southampton Operatic Society Royalty)
"Now that was excellent!!!!" Terry O'Farrell (Saviour of SOS)
"The talented swines have made me surplus to requirements!" Brian Quantrill (Local amateur chorus member luminary)
"Never seen it. Never want to." Adam Myers (MTS)